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English/Ballet/ Economics/ Media/ Bel canto/Computer/ Art/ Civil engineering tea

Education/Teaching | Full-time | Yongzhou | Posted by:Celine123     Apr 14 15:29      share
Email:2984941476@qq.com    Tel:15172359257     Working City:Yongzhou   Hits:

Job Details:

-Type of job:full-time 
-Location:Yongzhou city,Hunan province

-Start date: Sep. 2018

-Vacancy:Several (24-60 years old)   3 English teacher

      One Ballet/ Economics/ Media/ Bel canto/Computer/ Art/ Civil engineering teacher

-Workload:12-16 lessons/week   No Fixed office time

-Days Off :free weekend

-Students:University students   

Qualification &Requirements
-Bachelor degree or above for ESL teacher   Master degree or above for subject teacher

-Having related teaching experience 


Compensation & Benefits:

-Salary: 7K +RMB/M for ESL teaacher

       8K +RMB/M for Subject teaacher

-Single apartment provided+Free Utulities

-Visa:work visa provided for successful applicants

-Flight allowance: Airfare allowance on expiration of contract

Documents needed:
-Resume and recent photos
-Teaching certificate
-Bachelor degree or above certificate
-Photocopy of passport and visa

How to apply:

please email your CV,photos and documents to Claire.


Report Abuse     Jobs Offered ID: 13465

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